Mission & Vision

About Us

iCare so iShare International is a humanitarian charity that is aimed at bringing hope to the poor, vulnerable and disenfranchised places of this world. Our mandate is to REACH and TRANSFORM lives with the love and kindness of Jesus. There are still many areas of this world that are deprived of access to a better life or opportunities for empowerment. Even in the 21st century there are still many people including children and other vulnerable adults with little or no access to food, education, proper health care, and other basic amenities of life. While we may not be able to physically meet all the needs that exist, everyone can become a part of transforming one life affected by this humanitarian crisis. This starts by taking one small step of giving whatever little you have towards charities like iCare so iShare International. You will be surprised how far your little can go when coupled with the blessings of God.

Come and join us in iCare so iShare International as together we change this world one life at a time.

Our guiding ethos is based upon the words of Jesus in Matt 25:40:

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,

you did for me.’ (Matt. 25:40 NIV)

Mission: We exist to make a difference in the lives of others, irrespective of their religion, race, or nationality through the mediums of Relief & Aid, Education & Skills Development, Advocacy, Community building, and Holistic Education.

Vision:  To empower lives that are disproportionately affected by life circumstances, restoring dignity to the poor and destitute, and transforming communities that are disenfranchised and marginalized


  1. To bring immediate tangible relief to individuals who suffer from the lack of hunger, shelter, and water
  2. To ensure that no child is left behind in having access to education particularly in the unentered territories of the world
  3. To assist students from destitute families in attaining a Christian education either at either primary, high school or college level.
  4. To advocate on issues that threatens the fundamental human rights of individuals
  5. To provide healthy lifestyle options to individuals through seminars and re-education
  6. To enable and equip persons with the tools needed to overcome addictions and other debilitating
  7. To empower persons through the learning of a skill or trade that can allow them to earn a livelihood
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